Topic: How military service prepares and gives you a sense of direction in all aspects of life.
Specific Purpose: To understand and re-establish the values our nation was built upon by using military service as a base.
Thesis Statement: Everyone should serve in the military because you will learn our nation’s values of LDRSHIP, you gain skills that future employers are looking, and you will gain life experience all while getting paid to do so.
I. Introduction
A. Attention-Getting Step: Personal Story about how I came to my decision to join the military.
B. Tie to Audience: Almost everyone knows someone who is, or who has served in the military.
C. Credibility Material:
These are
the Values that you learn during your first days in service. They are something
that you never forget because of their importance.
What the
labor force is looking for in an employee.
II. Body
A. Main Point #1
We need a value system that is widely accepted as a norm across multiple cultures.
1. (Statement of Need for Action).
It is up to us to instill these values and help our country follow them if we are to remain strong as one nation. The Army Values give us those core beliefs that our founding fathers built this country on.
a. (Description of Problem).
The younger generation that is coming up, as my drill instructor used to say, “is softer than baby shit!”
b. (Signs, Symptoms, Effects of Problem).
The effects are that we become weak as a nation and lose the freedoms we love so much to a government that will dictate over us.
c. (Example, Narrative, or Testimony).
When I was a range NCO for a training, and a soldier said he was scared to fire his weapon!
B. Main Point #2
On the job
training and experience in working as a team.
1. (Statement
of Need for Action).
Our nation ranks 14th for education among the 1st world countries. Part of that is lack of interest of people attending schools and not giving 100% in learning all they can.
Our nation ranks 14th for education among the 1st world countries. Part of that is lack of interest of people attending schools and not giving 100% in learning all they can.
a. (Description of Problem).
Top things employers are looking for. Employers right now are very specific in what they are looking for in a new employee and it’s clear that we are not delivering because they have been asking for it for over a decade.
b. (Signs, Symptoms, Effects of Problem).
Some signs are rejection of applicants due to no experience where it is needed.
c. (Example, Narrative, or Testimony).
That is a reason why the military saw an influx of people joining even during war time.
C. Main Point
Getting to
travel and meet new people while figuring out your direction in life.
1. (Statement
of Need for Action).
People need to get out get involved with different cultures and events to figure out what they like to do. If you love what you do for work, you’re never really working!
People need to get out get involved with different cultures and events to figure out what they like to do. If you love what you do for work, you’re never really working!
a. (Description of Problem).
The upcoming generation doesn’t know what they want to do with their lives. They are not making good decisions based on the limited life experience they have.
b. (Signs, Symptoms, Effects of Problem).
People switching jobs many times in their life.
c. (Example, Narrative, or Testimony).
I personally had over 7 jobs from the time I was 18 till I joined the Military.
A. Summary
B. Tie Back to Attention-Getting Step: All of these things have helped me to become the person I am today. Someone that is marketable with many life experience and the ability to work with a team.
C. Call for Action: If you’re seeking opportunities to be a better member of society, have job experience, and travel the world for free then joining the military is the right move for you.
A. Summary
B. Tie Back to Attention-Getting Step: All of these things have helped me to become the person I am today. Someone that is marketable with many life experience and the ability to work with a team.
C. Call for Action: If you’re seeking opportunities to be a better member of society, have job experience, and travel the world for free then joining the military is the right move for you.
Adams, Susan. (2013). The 10 Skills Employers Most Want in 20-something Employees. Forbes Magazine. 14 Jan 2015. Retrieved from skills-employers-most-want-in-20-something-employees/
The Army
Values. Retrieved from
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